Your voice matters!

Sign up to be a member of RIght From The Start’s advocate army. We need parents from a variety of backgrounds, professionals who work with families, and advocates who care about Rhode Island’s young children to help us educate policymakers on what families need to thrive. When you sign up, we’ll send you Campaign updates and occasionally ask you to take action to help create positive change for young children and their families.

Things we may share with you include:

  • Tips and templates to help you communicate with your legislators and elected officials.
  • Advocacy and professional development events to attend in-person.
  • Opportunities to take action, such as: signing petitions, sharing your story with elected officials, and testifying in support of legislation.

Sign Up for Rhode Island's Early Childhood Action Center!

Sign up today to receive action alerts and other advocacy updates from RIAEYC and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT. We will never share your email address.  Ever.

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